Sunday, October 26, 2008

Staying Up Late

Last Sunday evening or Monday morning, however you would like to put it, I stayed up late studying for class. While I was staying up late, I was also waiting for my roommate Jessica to go to sleep so then my friend, and close friend to Jessica, and I could decorate for Jessica's birthday which was Monday the 20th of October. We decorated at about 1:00 to 1:30ish. Don't worry Mom and Dad, I definitely was studying before the pictures. hehe. We decorated her part of the room with posters and balloons. Then we came out to the hall and decorated the door with more posters and balloons. Jamie made her a delicious cake as well.

We had so much fun! That's Jamie and me!

We definitely are the best decorators for birthdays! We had a blast and it was so hard to keep quiet because we were so excited and we were trying not to wake Jessica up. Don't I look wide awake?

The beautifully decorated door with our quote board.

This was Jessica in the morning surprised.

Jessica way too excited and happy for her birthday! :)

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