Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to School

I am officially back at school at SVU. It is so nice to be back here.
I took an overnight flight starting at 11:00 PM Arizona time. I had a three and a half hour layover in Atlanta, Georgia and I finally arrived in DC about 11:00 AM. One of my best friends Jessica came and picked me up. I'm so grateful for her and her willingness to drive 6 hours total to pick me up and go back to SVU. She's pretty awesome, I guess. :D
Being here for almost 2 whole days is actually kind of weird because there's so many new freshman or transfers. I'm only a sophomore, but sometimes I feel like I'm one of the new students as well. I miss all the friendships that I had last year and wish for it again this year, but I know it probably won't be the same like last year. I do hope that this semester will be good.
I am definitely going to be staying busy. I will be taking a couple of English classes since it is my major after all. One of them is a creative writing class which I will be writing a lot more than I'm used to. I will also be taking Spanish 3, Ballet, Drawing, and of course, an Institute class. After looking at my schedule, I'm kind of excited to start my classes.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Taking Off!

So here I am right now sitting here at my laptop, listening to my itunes on shuffle, and writing to you with a full belly of breakfast goodness. Several of my friends and I threw a breakfast sort of party and ate such a huge breakfast. It was for sure glorious goodness. My computer area consists of junk all around it. I have a shoe box, my flowers to make hair clips, magazines, and some other items which I have no idea what it is cluttered on this table.
I am leaving tonight to go back to school! I am excited to go back there and see my friends and to be in a beautiful, green place. I feel it is a good change for me just to get a break from the hot Arizona and I can be out on my own for a little bit and learn some more responsibility for myself which can be fun and sometimes it's not. One thing that I'm not excited about is the little, annoying gnat bugs that buzz around your head and face and they won't go away. Thank goodness it won't last too long. It's kinda funny because with those bugs buzzing around your face, you can put your arm up in the air and the bugs will move higher. I have no idea why they do that, they're just weird, I guess. That is a thing that I like being here in Arizona because theres' no bugs that annoy the heck out of your face. There are mosquitoes, but seriously, they're everywhere. Anyways, enough about stupid bugs.
I will definitely miss home. A lot. I'll miss my wonderful mom. She goes out of her way for everything. I'll miss our little adventures that we take to the grocery store or to the mall, especially when it's night time when my mom gets slap happy (she is not a night person) and we just laugh and have a good time and it takes us longer to get what we need just from goofing off. A little bit. I'll also miss just those good time from watching all of Jane Austen movies as well as the great "North and South". If you haven't seen it, it's a must see four hours of a movie. Seriously. I'm definitely going to miss my dad too. He is the stable one in our family. It's been a hard summer for all of us, and what I saw of him, he kept going strong through it all and faced each day straight on. He helped me keep my head on my shoulders and talked sense into me like he always does when he helps me out, and I love him for it. I'm just going to miss him. I am also going to miss my brothers and sisters. We've all had such good times together. I'm so grateful that everyone is only a phone call away.
Well, with tears in my eyes I guess I need to finish my packing and say my goodbyes to all of my friends. I will try hard this semester to keep all of you updated with what's going on in Buena Vista, Virginia.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Wedding Day

Not to worry, I did not get married. My oldest brother Spencer married a beautiful, fine lady, Maycee Lacsamana. Spencer and Maycee got married August 8, 2009. Maycee looked absolutely beautiful and Spencer looked handsome as well. They got sealed in the Mesa, Arizona temple at 10:30 AM. The sealing part didn't last long so I'm told, but I heard it was magnificent. Spencer and Mayce conitinued to glow from the beginning of the day to the end of the day when they had to go off on their honeymoon.

After the sealing, we had a delicious luncheon at my Lamb grandparent's home. It was so lovely. My Grandma Lamb did such a wonderful job with the food and the decorations. The Durler side of the family was also able to come for the wedding; as well as Russ and his two children/my cousins Alea and Kai. After the luncheon everyone relaxed at home or took naps so that we would be refreshed for the reception later that night.

At the reception, it was absolutely breathtaking. The colors that Mayce picked out was a teal/turquoise color, but more on the blue side, then there was also brown and white. Spencer and Maycee asked if I could be the DJ at their reception to help save money. To be honest, I was a little nervous because I've never DJ-ed in my life :/. Caitlin Dalton, Emily, and me were her bridesmaids. Her sister is as well, but Maycee's family couldn't make it so they threw a type of ceremony party in honor of her back where they live in Australia. In December her family will be coming up to Utah and then there will be like a ceremony or an Open House for her family to see and enjoy.

The reception went by too fast. Luckily, they did have a lot of guests that showed up, and I know that both Spencer and Maycee are loved by many. I'm so grateful to have Maycee as an older sister. :D It has definitely been a wonderful summer.

Here are some pictures from the wedding:

Spencer and Maycee coming out of the temple doors

Spencer and Maycee posed together.
Aiden, my nephew, looked like a stud at the reception.

All the sisters together at the temple