Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I definitely can't believe that this past Monday night, it actually finally snowed!! I was absolutely so excited that I acted like a little kid on Christmas Day. I thought it was magic! Okay, I know that sounds childish, but it made me so happy. So the next morning, I woke up to find that it was white and beautiful outside. I made sure that I got ready in plenty of time before class because I wanted to take pictures showing snow here at SVU and so you guys can see what it's kinda like here with snow. Yesterday was definitely a beautiful day. It wasn't windy like it was today, so it made yesterday even better than I thought it could've been. I feel so lucky being here. It's such a great experience.

The other picture is of one of my friends Lauren and me at the Roanoke mall and we had to take a picture with the cardboard Edward Cullen. HAHA! We're definitely dorks!
The big hill right by the lofts; it was covered in whiteness! So cool!
The new, finished church building
A cute, little evergreen tree in snow right before the stairs of utter destruction...
If you couldn't tell, I am overjoyed!

Yes, and with Edward Cullen....haha, dorks!

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